Disclaimer: Please note that this website contains information regarding Galen Nursing College (Tampa and home office), and this information are the personal opinions and observations of Edward R. Garcia who was a Galen Nursing School student. This website was not meant to be any kind of malicious reflection of the school, but again, merely opinions and observations of the school. These opinions and observations should be used by potential nursing school students as merely a guide.


. Splash Page
a. Welcome
1. About This Website
2. About Edward Garcia
3. About Galen Nursing School
4. What Happened?
5. The People Involved
6. The Regulatory Body 
7. My Resolution
8. In Conclusion 
9. Documentation 
10. Contact
1. About This Website
Firstly, let me thank you for taking the time to visit this website.  I want to be very clear as to why I have created this website in the first place.  Quite simply, I don't like being taken advantage of.  I was a customer of Galen Nursing College and I received an absolutely substandard customer experience.  NO ONE likes to be scrounged by a merchant.  No one.  And this is precisely what Galen Nursing College did to me, not to mention thousands of other nursing students who appear in a wide variety of online forums and venues.  
I have not created, what I feel to be an informative product review website of Galen Nursing College, out of malice or spite.  I simply do not enjoy being swindled.  After you review my website, my observations (they're quite comprehensive) and my documented correspondence I had not only with the Dean Galen Nursing School, the administration of Galen Home Office in Louisville, KY, but the official nursing regulatory bodies as well, I think my situation will be clear.  
If you are thinking of attending Galen Nursing College, I urge you to review my website and the associated pages and plan your education very carefully.  An error in choosing a substandard nursing college (as I did) will cost you a great deal of time and many thousands of dollars.
Please note, these are my opinions and observations that I am about to present to you. They may be somewhat tainted by what I experienced at Galen But despite this fact, I will attempt to be as objective and fair as possible.
2. About Edward Garcia
I'm a 55 year old man who lost his job as a graphic designer for the largest direct mail company in the U.S. and had an opportunity to learn a new trade through the Trade Authroization Act.  Although I had lost a job I really liked, having worked there for 26 years, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity.  Having reviewed an in-depth list of my available educational choices, I decided to go with nursing.  
Having a love of science and being very interesting in the medical / scientific side of nursing, not to mention the opportunity to help my fellow man, I decided to enroll into Galen Nursing College, Tampa location.
Needless to say, I was excited and very nervous all at the same time.  Going back to school in my mid 50's was a jolt I did not expect.  Not at all. However, despite all of these feelings and perceptions I was dealing with regarding being a nursing student, I think I did pretty good. I kept up with all the young kids (nursing students half my age).  
ALL of my grades, school transcripts, CPE scores, nursing care plans and other related documentation are all listed HERE.  I was pretty proud of myself holding my own with these other students.  Also, since I was, for all intents and purposes, very close in age to the vast majority of the instructors, I had a fantastic relationship with almost all the instructors. 
Well, keyword, "almost".  There's one instructor whom I will highlight in an extremely unflattering way.  More to come.
But despite all these positives I encountered A Galen nursing college student, because of an altogether horrible experience by just one single instructor, as well as the Galen administrative department as a whole, I decided to withdraw from Galen Nursing School.  I'll expand on the particulars in the pages to follow.  There's a lot more to this story I believe that you, as possible nursing students, should take into consideration before you sign on the dotted line to become a student at this college.
2. About Galen Nursing School
If you want the industry standard version of Galen nursing school, you're welcome to visit www.galencollege.edu and review their self-aggrandizing P.R. page.  Their website is charming, hip and designed strategically to entice their target market, which are mostly young women.  In addition, Galen has done a wonderful job of networking with resource websites and forums, tactically positioned to be in the first page of a Google search.  So, you're welcome to read all of their advertising and marketing on these sites.  It's all out there, a Google search will reveal these to you.
Now, would you like to read some of my objective observations regarding Galen Nursing School of Tampa Florida?  
Well, visually, it's an adorable little school.  From what I’ve discovered,they've spent a great deal of money moving from their previous location on Roosevelt Blvd. to their current location at 10200 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St N.  
During the year I attended Galen, they were IN THE PROCESS of moving to their new location at 10200 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St N.  So approximately half way through the year, the school moved to their new location. 
Now, the Roosevelt location was, well, not good.  From what I recall, they were having issues with the toilets, air conditioning systems were always going out in different parts of the school, they had electrical issues, etc, etc.  I believe, although I can't confirm this, that Galen had seriously issues with the property owners of the Roosevelt location, which is why the campus was a bit of a mess.  The new location, physically, was a quantum step up.  It was quite plush.  Beautiful glass building, visually please furniture and props modern signage, landscaped, etc.  All the trimmings.
The instructors (other than one in particula), were pretty good, as I recollect.  At least, from what I could tell with my limited exposure to nursing.  A number of the other students had far more experience with nursing than I did, and they seemed keen on the nursing industry itself.  Again, I'll expand on ALL my instructors, my experiences with them (positive and negative) in later pages.
But something important to note.  These instructors, as I had fun and interesting chats and inner actions with them, WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE other than teach nursing.  It seems that nursing can and does take a toll on a human being.  The majority of them had other nursing gigs aside of teaching.
But did they like nursing?  I believe they liked helping people, the science, just as I did.  But I believe that the nursing industry kind wrecked the majority of these instructors.  And the old saying goes, "if you can't do, teach", certainly does apply to nursing.  Again, I'll expand on this later.
The administrative side of Galen?  Well, I'll expand on this later as well.  In summary, however, let me be completely clear:  Galen is a money machine.  Despite the fluffy, cutesy photos, student testimonies and content the Galen websites might contain, behind the curtain, it's a ruthless institution that has formulated a perfect revenue-stream business model.  When you stand in the middle of the campus, and see so many young people, perhaps legitimately wanting to help their fellow man and be nurses, who want to make their life better, and you realize (what I learned dealing with Galen for over a year) that their only innate desire is to generate money, caring very little about the students themselves, it can be a demoralizing.  Exploiting the hopes and dreams of young people (and older ones, like myself) who were essentially deceived into attending Galen, is upsetting.  
I'll go into further detail later regarding this.
3. What Happened?
I am going to to attempt to be as objective and non-personal about this as I can.  That's going to be challenging, I can promise you.  NO ONE likes to get taken advantage of.  So this explanation as to my experience at Galen may reflect moderate amounts of displeasure in my “written” tone.  Pardon me for being human, dear reader.  Read my story, do what you will with this information I am dispensing.  Again, it's simply my opinion.  But, I try to be fair (the other "F" word), and give everyone, even those who injured me, the benefit of the doubt.  So I'll try to tone down irascibility.  
A brief summarization that ultimately lead up to my last semester at Galen.
I enrolled into Galen on ??/??/?? in their accelerated LPN program.  One full year, minimal semester breaks, 1,440 hours to complete the course.  The courses are pretty standard, including Fundamentals, MedSurg, Pharmacy, Mental Health, Pediatrics & Maternity, Geriatric Nursing and a good number of clinical hours.  Having not been in school since 1984 (yeah, it's been a while), I kept up with a B- Average.  I DID have to take MedSurg 1 twice, having failed the course by 2 points.  But I did pass it the 2nd time.  All my grades, classes, transcripts and related correspondence are contained in the "documentation" page of this website.
Now we come to my last semester.  
Everything seemed to be going fine, trying to keep up with the younger crowd and pass this thing. Enters my clinical instructor for the last semester, Sophonie Satine.  This instructors nursing background and bio can be found at
I can expand on what I felt about this instructor, there's a lot to be said.  You're also welcome to read the correspondence I had regarding this instructor and related communications with Galen admin., as well as the NCSBN Nursing Regulatory Office.  I provided quite a comprehensive list of communiques to both Galen Admin as well as the NCSBN as to my grievances, both personal and professional.
Let me expand on Sophonie Satine a bit.  
She is a very intelligent woman, to be certain.  And she knows nursing well.  However, having stated these facts, I think she is, without a doubt, the worst nursing instructor I've ever experienced.  Ever.  An extremely lazy woman, who would violate many of her own rules and standards as an instructor, as well as severely broke a number of nursing regulations.  You are welcome to read my communiques and correspondence I had with Galen admin regarding her laziness and subpar teaching methods.
I had 19 nursing instructors at Galen.  Overall, my experiences with them were positive.  Oh, some interesting experiences here and there, I'll expand on those in the "Poeple Involved" page of this website.  But overall, they were good instructors.  
But not Satine.
Allow me state some interesting information I discoveredabout Galen and how they procure their nursing clinical instructors.  This is first hand information from another nursing student who's name I am not going to mention but is a very good friend, who's boyfriend was approached by Galen to teach as a clinical instructor.  Galen has a horrible time recruiting good clinical instructors.  One or two interviews, as long as you have your credentials, is good enough for Galen.  
Galen doesn't care if the person is a good instructor and they are applying clinical instructor job positions. Galens only concern is that these individuals meet the minimal academic standards to perform their job.  I'll explore each of my instructors and my experiences I had with them on the "People Involved" page.
Sophonie Satine infuriated the entire class.  This was the first time I had ever seen ONE single instructor aggravate everyone in the class. From what I heard through the grapevine, a previous clinical experiences had left Satine damaged and bitter.  Again, this is here-say from other students that I conversed with.  But this tainted and angry instructors demeanor could be experienced in the way she instructed her clinical classes.
Having felt that what all of us nursing students were experiencing was grossly inappropriate in regards to Satine's teaching method, I protested.  Everyone in the class shared this frustration and anger.  We had spoken to other instructors about Satine.  Although they were concerned and some truly wanted to help, from what we could gather just speaking to the other instructors about this, there wasn't much anyone could do.  Clinical instructors were, for the most part, a "luck of the draw" scenario.  Sometimes you could get a great clinical instructor which would provide the student with a great clinical experience. But sometimes, you were dealt bad cards, and would have no choice but to contend with a deficient, unsatisfactory and quite frankly, negligent instructor.  
This is what happened to our class.
So I seeked a resolution to this issue.  And I seeked it vigorously.  Having begun a correspondence campaign to try, if possible, to either have this instructor corrected and/or replaced, I was under the impression that Galen DID care about their students and would try to remedy the issue.  
Well, nothing could be father from the truth.  Allegations from myself, with wholehearted support from the other students in the class, were met with counter responses from Satine.  Galen, being the revenue generating leviathan that it is, naturally sided with faculty and snubbed the students.  There was back and fourth correspondence, mostly on my part, trying to remedy the issue.  But I was met with the reality of the situation.  This reality was, I'm sorry to say, that Galen simply did not care if the students were having a dissatisfactory learning experience.  To admit that they had blundered and contracted with a below average clinical instructor would not have been in Galens best interest.  Unfortunately, Galen had the upper hand, scholastically and financially.  If students were unlucky enough to have someone like Satine as an instructor, their learning opportunity was undermined and they couldn't pass the course, it was of no consequence to Galen. In fact, I would honestly say that it's part of the Galen business model as a whole.  Simply play dumb, the students will simply either pony up more money to retake semester(s), or they will simply leave and never return.  Genius!  A fantastic business model for generating revenue.  Providing quality education for nursing students?  If possible, certainly, but not at the risk of jeopardizing earnings.  A money machine.  In my personal opinion, this is about as evil as it gets.
Having reached a number of dead ends with Galen admin, I decided to withdraw from the course.  To be clear, I had words and meetings with the dean of the college as well as assistant deans and the head of the clinicals program.  They were not pleasant meetings.  I didn't see myself as a stary-eyed nursing student looking to give myself a better future and at the mercy of the school.  Instead, I saw myself as an extremely angry customer who just got taken advantage of, immorally and quite possibly, illegally. 
I took my argument to the nursing regulatory bodies that were responsible, mostly, for investigating and resolving issues that related to instructors.  And my issue was applicable.  I couldn't believe that in a single swoop, the NCSBN Nursing Regulatory Office sided with Galen immediately and my ovations towards resolving this issue came to a halt.  I was disgusted and sickened by what I had experienced.  
Since I did not pay for this course, I had no real legal recourse.  What could I do?  The TAA (department of unemployment) had paid for the courses.  I had lost a year of my life in an academic sense.  
I withdrew from the school immediately, ??/??/??. 
Needless to say, because of my ovations to have Satine investigated by both Galen and the NCSBN Nursing Regulatory Office, her demeanor changed very quickly.  Corresponding with the rest of the students, their entire nursing school experience change quickly after this, for the better.  Satine "changed her tone" so to speak and Galen made certain that the remaining students graduated.  And they did.
I was in a sense, the sacrificial lamb, putting my neck on the line so a correction could be made for the rest of the class.  They were good people.  To be honest, I'm not sure if they would make good nurses.  Out of perhaps 40 plus students I was with, maybe 3 would have made good nurses.  The rest?  Well, maybe.  Sorry.  The nursing industry really is littered with people who have no business being nurses. 
But regardless, I shouldn't have had to go through any of this.  THIS is how students at Galen, from other stories I've heard, are typically treated.  Nursing students are merely components in a revenue generation machine.  Nothing more.
I want to be clear.  I stated at the beginning of this website that these are strictly my opinions.  My opinions that I can back up with a number of things.  ALL my correspondence with Galen regarding this issue, my communications with NCSBN Nursing Regulatory Office, the dean and related admin, and most importantly, my communications with Ms. Satine.  It's all there for you to look at if you want.  Also, nurses at the nurses station at Oak Manor, where my clinical course was with Satine, witnessed Ms. Satine violating a number of nursing protocols.  I have these peoples names and information on file as well if I need to access this.
I expect the possibility of being contacted by Galens attorneys and being legally threatened by them.  By all means, I would certainly like my story to be told in front of a judge.  You see, there's no malice here or profit motive by me.  This is simply my story, my opinions and my actions that I took to remedy the problem.  My biggest mistake was believing that Galen would provide a quality nursing experience. That Galen was looking out for the benefit of their students and not let profits overshadow the students legal right to get what they paid for. On this, I was gravely in error.  And it cost me.
4. The People Involved
To be honest, there really weren't too many people involved relative to my dissatisfaction and intended resolution with Galen and their abysmal levels of substandard customer service and their lack of adherence to good nursing practice and nursing regulation.  There was the instructor in question,  Sophonie Satine, the dean of Galen Tampa Florida, the assistant dean, (list of faculty including bursar), the NCSBN Nursing Regulatory Office and The administrative offices of Galen Home Office in Louisville, KY.  
However, I'd also like to add my opinions of my Galen instructors at the time I was attending Galen, not including Sophonie Satine.  I think this is necessary that I point out my observations, for better or worse, as it pertains to these instructors.  Overall, I had 19 clinical and classroom instructors.  And although I felt I had a fairly good rapport and professional dialogue with each of them, there were still some interesting observations and notes I'd like to commit to pen and paper.  I believe this will demonstrate my hope to be a fair observer and participant in the Galen educational process and that although my statements may appear unkind, they are in fact objective, reasonable and ultimately, educational and informative to those intending to attend Galen.  
Regarding the instructors:  There may be a number of them who are no longer with Galen.  A blanket statement I feel in my heart that I can safely express is that NONE of my instructors were happy with Galen.  Absolutely none of them.  I'll expand on this in more detail as I relay my thoughts and observations in the following paragraphs.
Sophonie Satine - I think I've expressed my stance on this instructor.  But let me elaborate a bit more on this person and as to why my personal reflections on this person as a human being and as an instructor have the swagger of strong disapprovement.
Before our class attended our first clinical session with Satine, we had heard rumors about a previous clinical where she was made the instructor.  That she had a very difficult time maintaining discipline.  That she was erratic and seemed to have very little experience with teaching in any sense of the word.  We had also heard that at the end of that previous clinical experience she conducted, she turned into somewhat of a tyrant, being very unsure of herself, would embrace a level of discipline and overall despot that was far beyond that of any other instructor our class had ever encountered.   in short, she simply wasn't ready to instruct.  I will go into detail as to how the class was conducted by Satine in later pages.
In retrospect, I am going to have to place a great deal of fault on the shoulders of the Galen school administrative department, and more specifically, a Ms. Lorraine Mann, who was in charge of the Galen Clinical Department.  To be perfectly blunt, Galen had an extremely difficult time recruiting good clinical instructors.  As I stated earlier, I had a pretty good relationship with my clinical instructors, not to mention my classroom instructors as well.  But, in all fairness, they were not without their eccentricities and bizarre ways of conducting their classes. Some not terribly bad, others, well, somewhat odd and not without their share of violating nursing regulation and policies.  I'll expand on these in later pages.  
Our first day in clinical with Satine was unlike any of the other clinical instructors we had.  In emails that she sent us, the students, she insisted on an extremely firm, almost militant style of "command", for lack of a better word.  In fact, the first email she sent, over 75% of that email was noting disciplinary action for a number of offenses and the penalties for violating those offenses.  Please see those emails in the "documents" page. We the students had a fair idea how this clinical was going to be because of the rumors we had heard from students who attended her previous clinical.  But we didn't know it was going to be this dreadful.
The strange thing was, with all this discipline and corrective action she was directing towards us, she herself, was perhaps one of the laziest, undisciplined and derelict individuals I'd ever encountered.  I had worked for 26 years in corporate America, and I had first hand experience dealing with loafers, slackers and masters of chicanery.  But why a nursing school like Galen would even enlist individual like Satineto instruct a clinical class and not even properly vet this individual is beyond me.
She was never on time to class.  She would dismiss class perhaps up to 30 minutes before the required time and told the students not to say anything.  She would make false accusations and practice her brand of corrective action to students with no real evidence, but merely on a whim.  She insisted on her students reading and fully understanding her communiques, but she herself would never read or respond in a timely manner to her students.  She would task her students with a lengthly list of duties and then she would go to her car to sleep. A few of us would actually walk out to the parking lot, and see her sleeping in her car.  Or, a few times, she was caught by students, would be in some unoccupied office with her head down, sleeping.  It was common to see her like this.  We, the students, were well aware that she was taking courses herself, I believe, for a Masters degree and more than likely felt that teaching a clinical class would be an opportunity to catch up on sleep or study for her own classes, and not being attentive to her Galen students.  
She would be absolutely disputatious regarding the use of cel phones, and she would be literally walking down the hallways of Oak Manor nursing home talking to people and texting, which was not only hypocritical, but also a direct violation of nursing policy in ANY nursing facility and/or hospital in Florida.  She had no idea how to use the Galen email system to appropriately send correspondence back and fourth in regards to our nursing Care Plans.  In fact, she actually upset the head of I.T. because she had no idea how to transfer large files such as those in our Care Plans. There was a much easier way to move these files back and fourth.  I actually spoke to the I.T. person regarding this and we came up with a solution.  But when she was in a situation where she was unknowledgeable, she actually insulted the I.T. person when he had actually came up with a good solution to the problem.  My 10 year old nephew had more technical expertise than Satine. 
All of these can easily be confirmed by the class that attended that particular class, not to mention any other students that Satine conducted her clinical classes.
Among all of these circumstances that actually had the entire class completely incensed and livid, which ultimately lead everyone in the class to approach both the Clinical Director and the dean with a mass grievance, as well as my own personal grievances.  Please note, I am including ALL correspondence and communiques I had with Satine, the dean, assistant dean, Director of Clinicals, (assorted names), as well as the nursing regulatory board.
Satine had accused me of using my cellphone while on class, which in fact, I did not.  I told her I had my Davis Drug Reference Book digitally on my phone.  She completely mistook that and thought I had stated i was going to use the phone during clinical for personal use. You're welcome to read the back and fourth correspondence I had with her regarding that incident (CLICK HERE).  It was insulting and infantile.  I couldn't believe how condescending that was.  Again, read the correspondence and please make up your own mind.
But what she did that finally gave me cause for concern was during the a task of giving Oak Manor residents an insulin injection.  Just to show you how lazy and negligent she was:  
She was instructing me in proper insulin injection technique.  We had to go to the nursing station to acquire more insulin, because she had not prepared the drug cart sufficiently, which a clinical instructor is supposed to do regardless. She and I walked over to the nurses station, where she asked for an insulin vial.  But, instead of taking it back to the drug cart to properly prep it for injection, she broke a major rule and did it at the nurses station.  She not only asked me to roll the insulin at the nurses station (which we were not supposed to do) and draw up the insulin at the nurses station (which we were not supposed to do), she was very clever and made ME do it.  She even asked the nurse who was running the nurses station if there would be a problem with doing it right there. NOTE: These things are supposed to be done at the drug cart, NOT at the nurses station.  This is an important rule in drug administration. But what made me concerned is that she made me do it right there.  There were at least THREE Oak Manor nurses who witnessed this.  I should have just refused to do what she asked.  I COULD have gotten into serious trouble.
Needless to say, AFTER that situation occured not to mention all the other negligent and derelict actions Satine had perpetrated, I decided to take this up with Galen admin and nip this in the bud as quickly as possible.  She was clearly NOT a good instructor.  Not at all.  And as a paying customer, I wanted satisfaction.  I wasn't going to let Satinejeopardize my nursing career just because the clinical department at Galen was too lazy and insouciant to be mindful of their own instructors.
Well, I was in for an appalling and disquieting set of circumstances to follow and was to receive a "crash course" in the inner politics and nonsense that Galen dispenses upon it's students.  I will expand on this when I explain my encounter with Galen admin.
Lorraine Mann, MSN-Ed, MHA, RN, Director of Clinical Education - The entire class had issue with Satine, in one form or another.  We would go to our other classes and try to confide to our other instructors about this situation with Satine.  We, the students, were both dumbfounded and furious as to why this was happening.  Satine wasn't a tough instructor trying to instill a good worth ethic into her students. She was a lazy, shoddy and disappointing excuse for an instructor whose wanton and somewhat atrocious method of teaching led all of to believe that Galen had made a terrible mistake assigning her the task as our clinical instructor.
The other instructors, although concerned and genuinely wanted to help, urged us to correspond directly with the Director of Clincals, who at the time, was Lorraine Mann.  
At this point, the rest of the students were becoming very trepidation.  They did not want to take the next step and report our observations to Mann.  Frankly, they were stressed and scared.  This was our final semester.  They wanted it to be done.  Frankly, I shared their concerns.  But I felt that I had to deal with this situation and take a preemptive stance.  I mean, I was seriously concerned that this clinical instructor would unfairly and unjustly jeopardize the entire classes ability to pass this course.  I began the process of corresponding with Galen faculty relevant to this situation.  The other students were nervous and trepidatious to be certain.  They had gotten this far in the course.  They didn't want anything to sabotage their scholastic goals, even an instructor as detestable as Satine.  So I, in a sense, took the metaphorical "bullet" and decided to reach out to key people.  Firstly, was Satine herself.  I sent her emails trying to find some middle ground to this situation.  As you can imagine, that line of correspondence didn't go very well.  With someone as omnipotent and as tsarist as Satine, there was simply no reasonable mutual dialogue with her.  None.  I had to use my experiences with my other clinical instructors, which each had their little "God complexes" and Persian flaws (to be certain), but absolutely nothing like Satine.  Satine was obviously out of her element, having very little experience as a clinical instructor, not to mention a number of notable personality and professional flaws.  And again, I have to note that her overall intelligence and nursing knowledge was, in my opinion, quite impressive.  Her wisdom and ability to successfully manage a clinical class?  Extremely unsatisfactory and downright negligent in regards to her obligations as an instructor teaching an LPN clinical class.
So, after my disappointing attempts to communicate with Satine, I decided to reach out to Mann.
This is the part where I discovered the "behind the curtain" nonsense and chicanery that was seemingly the typical "modus operandi" of the Galen administration machinery.  Mann appeared to be commanding and somewhat imperious with her management style, almost the same as Satine.  But talking to her and to many of the other students that were a wealth of information regarding Mann, she seemed easily befuddled and somewhat dizzy.  She was clearly overwhelmed with her role as Clinical Director and my communications did nothing to assist her in regards to clinical department management.  All I can ask you to do is to read the back and fourth email correspondence I conducted with Mann and make up your own mind. 
What I was to learn was that there was definitely a comradery between these individuals in Galen admin that superseded the educational needs and fairness to be dispensed to the students.  The students simply took a backseat to this factional apparatus that undermined any kind of justice and impartiality towards the students.  The communications with Mann, as well as with other pertinent individuals to my situation, were shamefully abysmal.  A combination of lack of talent, administrative abilities and typical corporate duplicity and chicanery were what I was to encounter.  As I began to discover, communications with Mann were as bad if not worse than my communications with Satine.  This to me, was unbelievable.  It slowly began to appear to me that ALL these Galen admin individuals I had to contend with were simply interested in their jobs, their bonuses and very, very little sincere concern for the students.  They were concerned for the students as mere revenue generation engines and nothing more.  I began to get more and more sickened, repelled and discouraged as I navigated this sea of incompetence and bungling mismanagement that was Galen admin.
Ultimately, I decided I'd had enough and decided to withdraw.  One year of time and money invested.  All came crashing down because of one extremely poor clinical instructor and a host of blundering, corrupt nursing school administrative individuals.
My inquiries and downright investigations into finding some kind of scholastic satisfaction was not to end with Ms. Mann.  I tried desperately hard to find an individual within the Galen machinery who could help me to find perhaps a little righteousness within this pile of misfeasance.
Here is a list of those individuals I contacted with and the dismal outcomes of those communications after my communications with Satine and Mann failed:
Glen Cornwall, MSN, RN, Dean Of Academics - After my ludicrous and pointless dealings with Satine and Mann, I decided to try to find a reasonable middle ground with Glen Cornwall, Dean Of Academics.  A pleasant, articulate and accommodating man, I thought that finally I would receive at the very least, the smallest bit of notoriety and that my grievances were legitimate and tenable.  I sat down with him initially, alone to express my grievances.  Initally, I thought I was finally on the correct path towards some kind of victory connected to this silly quagmire.  I couldn't have been more incorrect.  Cornwall was a politician, pure and simple.  His first and what appeared his only obligation as Dean of Academics was primarily to Galen College and it's ability to generate revenue.  I don't even think the instructors or the students played into his structure of priorities.  Reflecting on my conversations with him, as friendly and seemingly eager to please as his swagger projected, he was probably less help to me than Satine and Mann.  He simply wasn't concerned about my situation and had sort of an odd, Xanax induced type of persona, aloof and unresponsive to my issues.  Again, as I stated, I don't believe students or their wants and needs, whether personal or scholastic, figured into his way of thinking.
Several other meetings after my initial meeting were met with the traditional corporate back up witnesses, the assistant dean whose name I cannot recall, and a woman named Michelle Wright, who I believe her official title was director of Clinical Learning Lab and Simulation. Naturally, this lowered by respect and lack of integrity of Cornwall significantly.  To simply have a man to man talk with this lowly excuse for a bureaucrat was not about to happen.  Simply a token series of meetings that again, went simply nowhere.  Regarding Glen Cornwall, Dean Of Academics, not a pinch of backbone or candour in that man, as far as I am concerned.  Essentially a corporate "yes man" with virtually no real interest or concern for Galen students.  
Michelle Wright, Clinical Learning Lab and Simulation - She was essentially a physical witness to the later conversations I had with Cornwall. I didn't care for her very much, since she greatly undermined my situation and went out of her to downplay it and make it appear inconsequential and irrelevant.  Kind of an odd little woman, very much disliked by the instructors from what I could tell when I would chat with my Galen instructors.  The instructors had carte blanche when it came to running their classes and had significant sway as to teaching protocols, test taking, etc.  As long as the essential tenants of the course were followed, including the minimum hours of the class(s), the instructors could do what they felt like.  Michelle Wright was very much against this, and demanded a somewhat authoritarian command style that rubbed against the instructors quite a bit.  As a student, I didn't care for this woman very much.  A small, manly type of person that probably had Napoleon issues.  As you can note by my emails to her, I didn't have much respect or admiration for her.
Jennifer Green, Director, Accreditation at Galen College of Nursing - I am not certain as to what compelled Cornwall to reach out to this woman to contact me and set me straight as to Galens obligations towards my grievances, but I don't think I had ever been as upset as I was with this entire situation as I was when I received a communique from this woman.
What an empty headed, corporate robot this person is!  Don't just take my word for it.  Please read the back and fourth that commenced between her and I.  She essentially emailed me, disregarded literally everything I had stated in regards to my grievance, spouted up some Galen policy from the Galen Student Catalog, and in her mind, it was done.  I was simply beside myself!  It was as though everything I had said, all those communications, my observations of Satine violating policy and jeopardizing my nursing education, my dealings with the Galen admin, was completely inconsequential and ultimately, unimportant in any sense of the word.  
People, I'm telling you, anyone considering going to Galen Nursing College as a student who is reading this, if anything READ HER EMAILs.  Again, a completely dim, witless woman.  If she is the face of Galen justice and objectivity as it pertains to the needs of the studentsand if I were in a position of higher management and Galen, I would have, as I stated in an email to her, fired her on the spot, had her things packed into boxes and be escorted out by armed security.
Commission for Independent Education, 325 W. Gaines St, TallhasseeFL - After hitting roadblock after roadblock dealing with Galen Tampa Florida office, my next step I felt was to contact the Commission for Independent Education. This is the regulatory body responsible for obtaining and evaluating grievances one would have in regards to a nursing college, an instructor, a clinical environment, etc, etc.  I mailed to them ALL relative communications I had with Galen Admin and my own personal observations and issues.  
I never received any kind of email or communication from them whatsoever.   The Commission for Independent Education person(s) tasked with dealing with my quibble more than likely thought that I was nothing more than a bitter, jaded nursing student who was attempting to exact revenge on said nursing school, or something along those lines.  
But again, I never received any kind of communique from their Tallhassee Florida office.
Galen Louisville KY Leadership - I felt I had one last option before I finally gave up, and trust me, I was learning, rather slowly, that trying to exact some kind of equitable resolve from Galen was a losing battle.  It was horrible.  Next step was to try to contact Galen leadership that was located at the Galen home office in Louisville, Kentucky.  A list of the names I sent PHYSICAL letters to are:
Academic President
1031 Zorn Ave, Ste 400, Louisville, KY 40207
Executive Vice President of Postlicensure Nursing
1031 Zorn Ave, Ste 400, Louisville, KY 40207
Vice President of Enrollment Management
1031 Zorn Ave, Ste 400, Louisville, KY 40207
Vice President of Human Resources and Chief Cultural Officer
1031 Zorn Ave, Ste 400, Louisville, KY 40207
Senior Director of Operations & Regulatory Affairs, 
SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison
1031 Zorn Ave, Ste 400, Louisville, KY 40207
Commission for Independent Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400
Absolutely no reply from any of these people.  They probably took the letters I sent them, laughed at them and simply threw them in the garbage.  This, to me, exemplified the essence of the nursing industry.  Not a caring, considerate educational institution with the nursing students, not to mention the nursing industries, best interest in mind.  
Galen is not that.  Galen is nothing more than a greedy, ridiculous, two dimensional edifice with very little interest in nursing as it pertains to nursing instruction, but more so as it pertains to revenues.  One of the most idiotic and imbecilic situations I had ever been involved in.
ALL of the correspondence I sent back and fourth to these Galen nursing related individuals are all located in the "documents" page. Again, please feel free to look at them, comment on them, and again, a word of warning to you, the potential nursing student:  Think long and hard if you are deciding to attend Galen Nursing College.  Despite all their hoopla and self aggrandising that's contained on their website at galencollege.edu, there's a lot that goes on behind the curtain that you may not be aware of.  Well, here's my "two cents".  Do what you will. - Edward R. Garcia
Other people…
I'd like to take the time and expand upon the other people I had to deal with that you, if you do decide to attend Galen, may be forced to deal with.
Debborah Dabaj, Bursar -  She's kind of the "evil tax collector" that you would encounter in any kind of Disney fairy tale.  Her job, naturally, as a bursar, is to take in as much revenue as she can, in any way she can, as long as it's legal.  I'm not sure if she enjoys her role as the person whose job is to be that "blood sucking vampire" who works for Dracula.  That's essentially what she is.  Overworked, probably underpaid and a miserable human being, if you're unlucky enough to have to deal with her. 
The Instructors
Galen used to have a page on their websites listing all of their instructors.  I have to tell you, I've looked and looked for that page, and I think they conveniently removed it.  As I stated earlier, Galen nursing instructors, aside from a select few, are "come and go" and never really set any roots, certainly not at Galen.  EVERY single nursing instructor I spoke to, EVERY one, disliked Galen.  For a variety of reasons.  I will expand my relationship with these instructors and any kind of relevant observation about them that is worth noting.  Now, again, other than that ogre, Sophonie Satine, I had a pretty good working relationship with all the instructors.  Having said that, I think it's fair that I expand a little bit as to any communications that would be relevant to you, the potential nursing student, as it pertains to the caliber and quality of said nursing instructors.  Again, these are just my observations and opinions.  Do what you will with this information.
Theory instructors:
Jeff Davies,
RN Faculty BSN,
University of Phoenix AS,
St. Petersburg College
Jeff Davies was our MedSurg 1 & 2 instructor as well as our Nursing Pharm instructor.  I liked the man.  He had a military swagger about him, even though I don't think he was in the military for very long.  I believe he was in the U.S. Navy.  And I believe at the time, and perhaps currently, he was working as an Admin RN nurse at the Veterans Center. But he and I had great chats, talking about politics, everyday life things, as well as medical and science.  Smart guy, to be sure.  Did the man have a God complex?  Well, yes, a bit.  He ran his classroom on task, punctual, etc.  MedSurg is a pretty difficult class, perhaps the toughest part of nursing.  He was a bit peculiar, with some definite eccentricities, but I liked the man and I thought he did ok.
And like practically every other instructor I spoke to during my one year as a Galen student, we wanted out of nursing altogether.  THAT is a common theme that I heard a lot from the instructors.  He wasn't sure exactly what exactly he wanted to do, but yes, he did express a desire to leave nursing.
However, there was an incident, that is worth mentioning.  During a MedSurg class, two students came in a few minutes late.  Well, one of Davies "pet peeves" was punctuality. He let loose on these students.  I mean, he really screamed at them.  Keyword, SCREAMED.  That may sound unbelievable, but I'll let you decide as to the tone that went on between the two students and Davies.  
Link: Davies Repremanding Students
We were allowed to record the teachers lectures.  So the entire class was quite shocked that he decided to "blow his stack" like this, being aware that there was a high probability he was being recorded.  But again, listen to the recording and you can make up your own minds. Did he trim some class time here and there to let us leave early?  He did, yes.  
Jon Nutting
RN Instructor ASN
St. Petersburg College MA
University of Mississippi BA
University of Mississippi
Jon Nutting, like Jeff Davies, was certainly one of my favorite instructors.  Great guy with many years experience in nursing.  His classes were fun and informative.  Exams were relatively easy.  He taught Fundamentals 1 & 2 and Geriatric Nursing.  For the most part, he practically gave out the answers for the exams, so again, they weren't too difficult.  Sometimes, he would say things that were just super funny and, maybe a bit inappropriate.  But I didn't mind and from what I could gather, the rest of the class didn't seem to mind either.   Fun classes.
Nancy Kirk
RN Instructor BSN
University of Florida MSN
Rutgers University
Mrs. Kirk was an absolute database of nursing knowledge and a sweet, kind and generous human being.  I enjoyed our chats, in class and outside of class.  She liked to smoke, so while she was taking her smoke break outside, I'd go out and converse.  She tried to keep her classestoned down to the lower levels of nursing knowledge, as was the level of the LPN class.  But once in a while, she would open up and demonstrate her vast knowledge.  She was a much older instructor, somewhat infirmed and had some physical issues.  But a good instructor. 
Kathleen Grinde
RN, APRN Faculty MSN
University of South Florida BSN, Marquette University
Ms. Grinde was our Mental Health instructor.  A little bashful and reserved, but she still conducted a good class.  Frankly, it was hard to not get a good grade in her class.  She practically gave the answers for the exams.  Repeatedly.  So as far as it being an easy class, it certainly was.  Informative?  To be sure, yes.
Janet Wessells
RN, APRN Instructor DNP, Frontier Nursing University MSN
Frontier Nursing University BSN, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Ms. Wessells taught our Maternity and Pediatrics theory classes as well as our CPE classes, which were essential nursing type simulation scenarios.  Ms. Wessells was extremely knowledgable and taught a very laid back class.  Her classes were personable and educational. Sometimes, the class conversations would get personal and dynamic.  She had no problem relaying to the class her personal life, including her alternative lifestyle with her female companion.  A very open minded woman, but I felt she taught a pretty good class.
Kimberly Drayton
RN Clinical Learning Lab Coordinator BSN
University of Florida
MSN, Grand Canyon University
Ms. Drayton was our CPE instructor.  Pretty laid back and "flip" for lack of a better term, her classes were hands on, practicing technique on medical mannequins.  Good instructor and as with most of my instructors, I had a pretty good dialogue with her.  She could be a bit strict and militant at times, but overall, it was a good class experience.
Lisa Flanagan
RN Instructor BSN
Marquette University
Ms. Flanagan taught CPE simulation classes as well as nursing drug administration math.  I liked her teaching style.  Very intelligent and as with most of the instructors, knew the nursing practice well.  I believe she worked as a Dialysis nurse for a number of years.  A good CPE instructor.
Linda Lysinger (no longer at Galen)
Masters Degree Nursing
Ms. Lysinger having served in the Air Force and became a nursing instructor, she was my first CPE instructor.  Again, CPE's were essentially hands on simulations on a medical mannequin, performing a variety of nursing tasks on the mannequin so as to see if the student at the very least could handle the very essential protocols of nursing treatment, depending upon the CPE assignment.  Ms. Lysinger was a good instructor and I had no problem with her.  I believe, however, she got fed up with Galen and decided to become an instructor at Kaiser Nursing University.
Elizabeth Baker
Certificate Nurse-Midwifery
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN
Ms. Baker was our SIMs (Simulation) Instructor.  Again, as with most of the instructors, she had a very long working knowledge of nursing, having been in the practice for many years. She was certainly an "old school" type instructor, maintaining a rigid class format.  I believe I have a little video footage of one of her classes.  Again, a little bit on the odd side, as were most of the instructors, but I thought the class was informative.  See a little snippet of her class here
Maria Smisek
Master in Science in Nursing Education,
Monmouth University, New Jersey
We had her as a SIMs instructor for a very short time.  As with a number of instructors who leave Galen, she didn't even put Galen on her past work resume (Linkedin, for example).  Again, she brought a great deal of nursing expertise to the SIMs class and I thought she was a pretty good instructor.
Shari McGowan
RN Instructor BSN
Auburn University
Ms. McGowan conducted our Pediatrics Nursing Clinicals.  This was a very tough class for everyone.  Not because of the difficulty of the courses per se, but because of the children.  The Pediatrics Ward we did these clinics had children with very, very compromised medical histories.  It was very heartbreaking, to be certain.  We had an opportunity to have a hands on experience with these children.  Ms. McGowan allowed us to participate in the general nursing activities as it applied to LPN students.  A good instructor with a rigid teaching style. 
Anne Nisonger,
RN Instructor MSN,
Andrews University BSN,
Andrews University
Ms. Nisonger was our clinicals instructor for Geriatric Nursing.  We had these clinicals in a nursing facility in Bradenton, FL.  A very laid back instructor, she gave us a lot of time that we could use to study for our other classes.  I think this is where Satine and Nisonger were very different.  Satine, as far as I was concerned, was a bit of a sadistic instructor with a mean side.  Nisonger, on the other hand, realized that even though we had to do so many clinical hours of nursing instruction to pass the course (1440 hours), she still managed to give us some time to study for some very difficult courses.  
Roger McCormick
RN Instructor BSN
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Roger McCormick was our Mental Health Clinical instructor.  That was a pretty laid back class.  he gave us plenty of time to study while at clinicals.  But for the class, we had to go to a mental health hospital in Pinellas Park.  I liked the class a lot and got some hands on training as it pertained to Mental Health.  Was a great class and he is a great instructor.
Melody Johnson
RN, APRN Instructor MSN
University of South Florida BSN
University of South Florida
Ms. Johnson was our clincals instructor for Geriatric Nursing.  We had these clinical classes with her at Bons Secours Nursing Facility in St. Petersburg Florida.  Kind of a rigid instructor, she had made a few enemies with some of the students.  I didn't have too much a problem with her.  She gave me an opportunity to learn and for the most part, it was a pretty good course.
Destiny Refuse, Nurse Practioner
Ms. Refuse was my first clinical instructor, where our first clinical location was  Freedom Square Seminole Nursing Pavilion.  Refuse was, I believe, a good instructor.  We had a good communication and I enjoyed my nursing clinical experience under her instructional leadership.
Susan Amerman,
RN Faculty BSN, South University AS
St. Petersburg College
I liked Ms. Amerman and the clinical experience I had with her at a nursing home.  Now, I have to mention, she gave us an enormous amount of time to study for our other classes.  I just have to put that out there.  And also, she allowed us to go home very, very early from clinicals.  I mean, I would venture to say that we probably only did 2/3rds of our required hours, and it might have been more than that.  I'm trying to be as straight forward and truthful about these instructors as I can.  Did I like her?  Absolutely.  She knew her nursing material.  Plus, her overly casual manner made the clinical, well, what hours we would be there, a lot of fun and entertaining.
Trisha Copeland, RN Instructor MSN,
American Sentinel University BSN,
State College of Florida (One day substitute)
Ms. Canoris (One day substitute)
These two instructors were merely for one day to cover an absent instructor.  I can neither say yay or nay since I didn't really have these two as instructors for very long.  If they provided me with a very negative nursing education experience, I would have probably remembered it.  But truthfully, from what I can recall, they seemed to be good instructors.
6. The Regulatory Body
Commission for Independent Education, 325 W. Gaines St, TallhasseeFL - After hitting roadblock after roadblock dealing with Galen Tampa Florida office, my next step I felt was to contact the Commission for Independent Education. This is the regulatory body responsible for obtaining and evaluating grievances one would have in regards to a nursing college, an instructor, a clinical environment, etc, etc.  I mailed to them ALL relative communications I had with Galen Admin and my own personal observations and issues.  I never received any kind of email or communication from them whatsoever.   The Commission for Independent Education person(s) tasked with dealing with my quibble more than likely thought that I was nothing more than a bitter, jaded nursing student who was attempting to exact revenge on said nursing school, or something along those lines.  But again, I never received any kind of communique from their Tallhassee Florida office.
6. My Resolution
After reading perhaps just a small percentage of these pages contained within this website, I would venture to think that any reader MAY be inclined to believe that there is a possibility that perhaps Galen does not live up to all the hoopla that the college dispenses on the internet and on their website.  That perhaps, YES, Galen perhaps does not deliver on the nursing education they proclaim to deliver upon, but also that they seriously violate state regulations involving nursing education.
What is my resolution?  You're looking at it.  THIS WEBSITE is all the satisfaction I can receive from all the trouble and headache Galen put me through.  And in my opinion, it was significant.  As I told Dean Cornwall, and I meant this, "if I actually paid for my attendance here at Galen, I would be suing this school for the fun of it".  And I meant that.  But, I did not pay for my education.  The Trade Authorization Act in connection with the Florida Dept of Unemployment paid for my education.  And quite honestly, since the TAA is connected with the Department of Revenue, I think The Department of Revenue should investigate the quality of this school and perhaps insist on a prompt refund of the tuition money they paid for.  
This is my resolution.  Creating this website and at the very least, making sure that future nursing students are at the very least, investigative and research the nursing school they plan to attend very, very carefully.  I've spoken with a number of nursing instructors from other local nursing colleges.  These conversations were candid and very enlightening.  I wish I would have known a small fraction of the bad history Galen has had in the nursing community BEFORE I agreed to attend Galen Nursing College.  
7. In Conclusion
Let me just state a few things:
This website may appear to smack of resentment and bitterness.  Perhaps it does.  But let me state that I do not regret the nursing education I received.  Not at all.  I had an opportunity to go to a nursing college for one full year, courtesy of the U.S. Government.  I learned a great, great deal.  I experienced things that not many people get to experience.  I learned things about nursing and the human body that, quite frankly, I'll be able to use for the rest of my life.  I worked with some pretty good nursing instructors, got to be good friends with most of them, and made some good friends along the way.  Kind of an interesting experience, going back to school in my mid 50s.  But, I delt with it.
But regardless of this, When I needed Galen Nursing College to "have my back" and support me when I was being treated unfairly by one of their instructors, and they didn't, is unforgivable.  I'm a fair customer.  I know that you cannot always have the perfect business transaction all the time.  But I don't consider myself a sucker either.  If someone does me wrong in a business sense, I can promise I will do whatever it legally takes, to remedy that situation.  Galen Nursing College has made it very clear that they are not going to to support my actions as it pertains to this situation they put me in.  So be it.  If I cannot remedy MY problem with Galen, perhaps I can warn those who are considering Galen Nursing College as their vehicle into the nursing industry.
Don't do it, people.  Just, don't.


Bad Nursing, Bad Nursing Review, Bad Nursing Scholarships, Bad Nursing Florida, Bad Nursing Tampa FL, Bad Nursing FL, Bad Nursing Tampa, Bad Nursing Tampa Florida, Bad Nursing Bad Reviews, Bad Nursing Registration, Bad Nursing Keiser University, Bad Nursing Arizona College Of Nursing, Bad Nursing Premier Nursing Academy, Bad Nursing Worst, Bad Nursing Degree, Bad Nursing Poor, Bad Nursing College, Bad Nursing College Review, Bad Nursing College Scholarships, Bad Nursing College Florida, Bad Nursing College Tampa FL, Bad Nursing College FL, Bad Nursing College Tampa, Bad Nursing College Tampa Florida, Bad Nursing College Bad Reviews, Bad Nursing College Registration, Bad Nursing College Keiser University, Bad Nursing College Arizona College Of Nursing, Bad Nursing College Premier Nursing Academy, Bad Nursing College Worst, Bad Nursing College Degree, Bad Nursing College Poor, Bad Nursing School, Bad Nursing School Review, Bad Nursing School Scholarships, Bad Nursing School Florida, Bad 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Instructors Bad Reviews, Nursing Instructors Registration, Nursing Instructors Keiser University, Nursing Instructors Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing Instructors Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing Instructors Worst, Nursing Instructors Degree, Nursing Instructors Poor, Nursing Programs Bad, Nursing Programs Review, Nursing Programs Scholarships, Nursing Programs Florida, Nursing Programs Tampa FL, Nursing Programs FL, Nursing Programs Tampa, Nursing Programs Tampa Florida, Nursing Programs Bad Reviews, Nursing Programs Registration, Nursing Programs Keiser University, Nursing Programs Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing Programs Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing Programs Worst, Nursing Programs Degree, Nursing Programs Poor, Nursing Registered Nurse Bad, Nursing Registered Nurse Review, Nursing Registered Nurse Scholarships, Nursing Registered Nurse Florida, Nursing Registered Nurse Tampa FL, Nursing Registered Nurse FL, Nursing Registered Nurse Tampa, Nursing Registered Nurse Tampa Florida, Nursing Registered Nurse Bad Reviews, Nursing Registered Nurse Registration, Nursing Registered Nurse Keiser University, Nursing Registered Nurse Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing Registered Nurse Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing Registered Nurse Worst, Nursing Registered Nurse Degree, Nursing Registered Nurse Poor, Nursing School Bad, Nursing School Review, Nursing School Scholarships, Nursing School Florida, Nursing School Tampa FL, Nursing School FL, Nursing School Tampa, Nursing School Tampa Florida, Nursing School Bad Reviews, Nursing School Registration, Nursing School Keiser University, Nursing School Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Worst, Nursing School Degree, Nursing School Poor, Nursing School Deans Bad, Nursing School Deans Review, Nursing School Deans Scholarships, Nursing School Deans Florida, Nursing School Deans Tampa FL, Nursing School Deans FL, Nursing School Deans Tampa, Nursing School Deans Tampa Florida, Nursing School Deans Bad Reviews, Nursing School Deans Registration, Nursing School Deans Keiser University, Nursing School Deans Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Deans Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Deans Worst, Nursing School Deans Degree, Nursing School Deans Poor, Nursing School Instructors Bad, Nursing School Instructors Review, Nursing School Instructors Scholarships, Nursing School Instructors Florida, Nursing School Instructors Tampa FL, Nursing School Instructors FL, Nursing School Instructors Tampa, Nursing School Instructors Tampa Florida, Nursing School Instructors Bad Reviews, Nursing School Instructors Registration, Nursing School Instructors Keiser University, Nursing School Instructors Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Instructors Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Instructors Worst, Nursing School Instructors Degree, Nursing School Instructors Poor, Nursing School Review Bad, Nursing School Review Review, Nursing School Review Scholarships, Nursing School Review Florida, Nursing School Review Tampa FL, Nursing School Review FL, Nursing School Review Tampa, Nursing School Review Tampa Florida, Nursing School Review Bad Reviews, Nursing School Review Registration, Nursing School Review Keiser University, Nursing School Review Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Review Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Review Worst, Nursing School Review Degree, Nursing School Review Poor, Nursing School Reviews Bad, Nursing School Reviews, Nursing School Reviews Scholarships, Nursing School Reviews Florida, Nursing School Reviews Tampa FL, Nursing School Reviews FL, Nursing School Reviews Tampa, Nursing School Reviews Tampa Florida, Nursing School Reviews Bad Reviews, Nursing School Reviews Registration, Nursing School Reviews Keiser University, Nursing School Reviews Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Reviews Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Reviews Worst, Nursing School Reviews Degree, Nursing School Reviews Poor, Nursing Teachers Bad, Nursing Teachers Review, Nursing Teachers Scholarships, Nursing Teachers Florida, Nursing Teachers Tampa FL, Nursing Teachers FL, Nursing Teachers Tampa, Nursing Teachers Tampa Florida, Nursing Teachers Bad Reviews, Nursing Teachers Registration, Nursing Teachers Keiser University, Nursing Teachers Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing Teachers Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing Teachers Worst, Nursing Teachers Degree, Nursing Teachers Poor, Nursing School Instructor Bad, Nursing School Instructor Review, Nursing School Instructor Scholarships, Nursing School Instructor Florida, Nursing School Instructor Tampa FL, Nursing School Instructor FL, Nursing School Instructor Tampa, Nursing School Instructor Tampa Florida, Nursing School Instructor Bad Reviews, Nursing School Instructor Registration, Nursing School Instructor Keiser University, Nursing School Instructor Arizona College Of Nursing, Nursing School Instructor Premier Nursing Academy, Nursing School Instructor Worst, Nursing School Instructor Degree, Nursing School Instructor Poor, Bad Nursing School Instructor Bad, Bad Nursing School Instructor Review, Bad Nursing School Instructor Scholarships, Bad Nursing School Instructor Florida, Bad Nursing School Instructor Tampa FL, Bad Nursing School Instructor FL, Bad Nursing School Instructor Tampa, Bad Nursing School Instructor Tampa Florida, Bad Nursing School Instructor Bad Reviews, Bad Nursing School Instructor Registration, Bad Nursing School Instructor Keiser University, Bad Nursing School Instructor Arizona College Of Nursing, Bad Nursing School Instructor Premier Nursing Academy, Bad Nursing School Instructor Worst, Bad Nursing School Instructor Degree, Bad Nursing School Instructor Poor, Bad Nursing School Instructors Bad, Bad Nursing School Instructors Review, Bad Nursing School Instructors Scholarships, Bad Nursing School Instructors Florida, Bad Nursing School Instructors Tampa FL, Bad Nursing School Instructors FL, Bad Nursing School Instructors Tampa, Bad Nursing School Instructors Tampa Florida, Bad Nursing School Instructors Bad Reviews, Bad Nursing School Instructors Registration, Bad Nursing School Instructors Keiser University, Bad Nursing School Instructors Arizona College Of Nursing, Bad Nursing School Instructors Premier Nursing Academy, Bad Nursing School Instructors Worst, Bad Nursing School Instructors Degree, Bad Nursing School, Sophonie Satine, Sophonie Satine Galen, Sophonie Satine Bad, Sophonie Satine Bad Nurse, Sophonie Satine Review, Sophonie Satine Florida, Sophonie Satine RN, Sophonie Satine PA, Sophonie Satine Incompetent Nurse, Sophonie Satine Evil, Lorraine Mann, Lorraine Mann Galen, Lorraine Mann Bad, Lorraine Mann Bad Nurse, Lorraine Mann Review, Lorraine Mann Florida, Lorraine Mann RN, Lorraine Mann PA, Lorraine Mann Incompetent Nurse, Lorraine Mann Evil, Glen Cornwall, Glen Cornwall Galen, Glen Cornwall Bad, Glen Cornwall Bad Nurse, Glen Cornwall Review, Glen Cornwall Florida, Glen Cornwall RN, Glen Cornwall PA, Glen Cornwall Incompetent Nurse, Glen Cornwall Evil, Michelle Wright, Michelle Wright Galen, Michelle Wright Bad, Michelle Wright Bad Nurse, Michelle Wright Review, Michelle Wright Florida, Michelle Wright RN, Michelle Wright PA, Michelle Wright Incompetent Nurse, Michelle Wright Evil, Commission for Independent Education, Commission for Independent Education Galen, Commission for Independent Education Bad, Commission for Independent Education Bad Nurse, Commission for Independent Education Review, Commission for Independent Education Florida, Commission for Independent Education RN, Commission for Independent Education PA, Commission for Independent Education Incompetent Nurse, Commission for Independent Education Evil, Galen Leadership Louisville KY, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Galen, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Bad, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Bad Nurse, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Review, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Florida, Galen Leadership Louisville KY RN, Galen Leadership Louisville KY PA, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Incompetent Nurse, Galen Leadership Louisville KY Evil, Debborah Dabaj, Debborah Dabaj Galen, Debborah Dabaj Bad, Debborah Dabaj Bad Nurse, Debborah Dabaj Review, Debborah Dabaj Florida, Debborah Dabaj RN, Debborah Dabaj PA, Debborah Dabaj Incompetent Nurse, Debborah Dabaj Evil, Jennifer Green, Jennifer Green Galen, Jennifer Green Bad, Jennifer Green Bad Nurse, Jennifer Green Review, Jennifer Green Florida, Jennifer Green RN, Jennifer Green PA, Jennifer Green Incompetent Nurse, Jennifer Green Evil